ASA - Anti-sperm Antibodies

Hi, I am 38 and my partner is 50, neither of us have kid, TTC for 5 years. We have had 3 IUI & 3 ICSI. Our last treatment ended in miscarriage.  
I don't ovulate every cycle, and  my partner produces anti-sperm antibodies. 

I have been trying to found out, without success, if there is any treatment available for ASA? and what are our chances to conceive naturally?

Thank you
  • edited January 2014
    Dear Noelie,
    Thank you for sharing with us your concerns.

    Unfortunately there is not a specific treatment for ASA although both IUI + ICSI are fertility techniques that avoid the theoretical problem produced by ASA since both Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) use a sperm preparation to concentrate only spermatozoa, and the Antibodies and other cells are removed and separated.

    Please note that unfortunately we can only answer your question in general terms as we lack all the specific information about your previous IVF cycles.

    It is also possible that, after all the failed attempts, maybe we should not focus on the ASA and start thinking about other factors, such as egg quality or those related to implantation failure - e.g. thyroidal function or thrombophilia disorders.

    Do bear in mind that, for that matter, the information about your IVF cycles is very important.

    I hope to have been of assistance to you.

    Yours sincerely,
    Dr. Martha Colodrón
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